How to Download and Install Norton for Free?

Norton is indeed an optimal security for your computer system. This flawless antivirus protection suite has got the public attention for their unbreakable security.Norton is indeed an optimal security for your computer system. This flawless antivirus protection suite has got the public attention for their unbreakable security.If you are a Norton user you surely feel secure while using it. But if you are not its user but want to get it to protect and secure your computer from viruses, you are at the right place. As Norton Support Team is here to guide you, here in this blog we will cover everything you needed in order to download and install it on your computer for free. So without wasting any minute, let’s get started!


  • Downloading an antivirus program from 3rd party website or the official website is a different thing. Therefore it is essential to get only the genuine and reliable antivirus suite for your computer system.
  • Visit official website; go to the page and locate the Download or Support section from the menus. 
  • If the Support is not available, click the Download page or you can also take help from the Help page, if you are not able to find the right link.
  • Once you find the right section; click it.
  • Norton has a variety of antivirus products; you can choose any one of them.
  • Now, after that, click the Trial button to begin the downloading process.
  • Wait for a few minutes, the downloading time may vary according to your ISP (internet service provider).
  • After completion, close all the windows program and double-click the downloaded setup file.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to configure it properly.
  • After this configuration, reboot your computer.
  • Now, update your Norton antivirus program.
  • At last, run a complete, full-scan to find out and mitigate the viruses.

We Norton Technical Support believe, the above-steps surely will help you out to download and install it on your computer. However, if still face issues or have more queries to resolve. Just pick your phone and contact Norton Support Number USA 1-855-251-5999.

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